Health and Human Services Sector Education for Community Development Professionals.
Jim Hart, Adjunct Professor, University of Minnesota School of Public Health; David Kindig, Professor Emeritus and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Fellow, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; Gretchen Musicant, Commissioner, Minneapolis Department of Health and Family Support.
Community Development Sector Education for Health and Human Service Professionals.
Andriana Abariotes, Executive Director, Twin Cities LISC; Allison Coleman, CEO, Capital Link; Stacey Millett, Senior Program Officer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation.
Braunstein, S., & Lavizzo-Mourey, R. (2011). How the health and community development sectors are combining forces to improve health and well-being . Health Affairs , 30 (11), 2042–2051.
Edmonson, J., & Zimpher, N. L. (2012, Summer). The new civic infrastructure: The ‘how to’ of collective impact and getting a better social return on investment . Community Investments , 24 (2), 10-13.
Fleming, H. K., & Wysen, K. (2010/2011, Winter). Making up for lost time: Forging new connections between health and community development . Community Investments , 22 (3), 11-18.
Lavizzo-Mourey, R. (2012). Why health, poverty and community development are inseparable . In Investing in what works for America’s communities: Essays on people, place, and purpose (pp. 215-225). Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Low Income Investment Fund.
Paloma, M. (2012, Spring). The intersection of health philanthropy and housing . Shelterforce.
Rausch, E. (2012, Spring). CDFIs as catalysts for improving social outcomes . Community Investments , 24 (1),18-21.
7:30 a.m. Check-In and Continental Breakfast
8:15 a.m. Morning Plenary Session
Dorothy J. Bridges, Senior Vice President of Community Development and Outreach, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Healthy Communities Initiative: Conference Overview and National Perspective
Paul Mattessich, Executive Director, Wilder Research
David Erickson, Director, Center for Community Development Investments, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Keynote Address
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, President and CEO, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Video)
Local Response and Q & A
Edward Ehlinger, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health
Kathy Gaalswyk, President and CEO, Initiative Foundation
Justin Huenemann, Program Officer, Northwest Area Foundation
Moderator: Rob Grunewald, Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
10:00 a.m. Break/Transition Time
10:15 a.m. New Knowledge: Concurrent Mid-Morning Education Sessions
Community Development Sector Education for Health and Human Service Professionals
Andriana Abariotes, Executive Director, Twin Cities Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Allison Coleman, CEO, Capital Link
Stacey Millett, Senior Program Officer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation
Health and Human Services Education for Community Development Professionals
Jim Hart, Adjunct Professor, University of Minnesota School of Public Health
David Kindig, Professor Emeritus and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Fellow, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Gretchen Musicant, Commissioner, Minneapolis Department of Health and Family Support
11:45 a.m. New Partners: Networking Lunch
12:45 p.m. Afternoon Plenary Session
Sector Collaboration: What Ingredients Are Needed To Be Successful on the Ground?
Allison Coleman, CEO, Capital Link
Frank Altman, President and CEO, Community Reinvestment Fund
Kevin Boes, President, New Markets Support Company
Moderator: Paul Mattessich, Executive Director, Wilder Research
Call to Action
Mary K. Brainerd, President and CEO, HealthPartners
2:15 p.m. Better Solutions: Concurrent Afternoon Workshop Sessions
During this time, conference participants will have an opportunity to talk with others who have like interests, and also with those located geographically nearby, about what they can do together in practice. Discussions will be guided by table facilitators. Affinity groups will be assigned based on participant bios and interests indicated at the time of registration.
Round I: Topic-Focused Group Discussions
Round II: Regional-Focused Group Discussions
4:00 p.m. Closing Plenary Session
Building Momentum: Workshop Discussion Highlights and Next Steps
Report back from discussion table facilitators
Reactions and Insights
Randi Ilyse Roth, Executive Director, Otto Bremer Foundation
Rob Grunewald, Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Mary Tingerthal, Commissioner, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
Moderator: Paul Mattessich, Executive Director, Wilder Research
Closing Remarks
Paul Mattessich, Executive Director, Wilder Research
Dorothy J. Bridges, Senior Vice President of Community Development and Outreach, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
5:00 p.m. Networking and Refreshments
5:45 p.m. Adjournment