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Community-Driven Data and Evaluation Strategies to Transform Power and Place

Written by Build Healthy Places Staff on May 22, 2024

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We believe data is power. The data we collect, the tools we use to collect it, and who leads and participates in these processes all dictate who has the power to shape the future of our communities. Data, when harnessed with intention and inclusivity, can be a transformative force for good. Through the collaborative efforts of Build Healthy Places Network and Verge Impact Partners, we’ve embarked to develop strategies that prioritize and center residents’ voices and visions for their communities.

The new tool is supported by The Kresge Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and informed by BIPOC-led Community Development Corporations within our Community Innovations for Racial Equity initiative, addresses barriers and gaps in community development and health partnerships to effectively propel racial equity.

Our interactive tool guides users through four crucial steps to ensure that their data projects are inclusive, impactful, and aligned with the goals of the community.

Step 1: Ensuring the Community is at the Table – The first step in any community-driven data project is to ensure that the community is actively involved in the process. 

Step 2: Getting Clear on Goals and Impact – Before diving into data collection, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what you aim to achieve, how the data will be used and potential impact on the community. 

Step 3: Exploring Strategies that Fit Your Context – Every community is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to data collection and evaluation. It’s essential to explore various strategies and adopt those that best fit the context of your community.

Step 4: Maximizing Community Power and Advancing Equity – The ultimate goal of community-driven data projects is to empower communities and advance health and racial equity. This involves not only collecting data but also using it to drive policy changes, allocate resources, and create opportunities for community members.

Download the Community-Driven Data Tool Here