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Better Education = Healthier Lives

Posted on 11/11/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s NewPublicHealth blog published a series of infographics exploring the connections between our health and the places where we live, learn, work and play, View their infographic on education and health.

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Better Transportation Options = Healthier Lives

Posted on 11/11/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s NewPublicHealth blog published a series of infographics exploring the connections between our health and the places where we live, learn, work and play, View their infographic on transportation and health.

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How Can Health Impact Assessments Lead to Better Policy Decisions?

Posted on 11/11/14

Resources | Measurement

Health impact assessments (HIAs) allow policy-makers to consider how proposed policies that may seem unrelated to health would affect health, and could be used to improve it.

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How Does Employment—or Unemployment— Affect Health?

Posted on 11/11/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

Steady employment can provide the income, benefits and stability necessary for good health. Read a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation issue brief on the links between stable, well-paying jobs and better health.

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Employment and Health

Posted on 11/11/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's NewPublicHealth blog published a series of infographics exploring the connections between our health and the places where we live, learn, work and play, View their infographic on employment and health.

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Building Healthy Communities: Establishing Health and Wellness Metrics for Use Within the Real Estate Industry

Posted on 11/06/14

Resources | Measurement

We know that the design and operation of our communities significantly influence our health. But the health impacts of real estate development continue to operate largely as economic externalities: unmeasured, unregulated, and largely unconsidered.

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A Framework to Extend Community Development Measurement to Health and Well-Being

Posted on 11/06/14

Resources | Measurement

The Network writes in Health Affairs on how measurement can help community development and health practitioners achieve shared goals.

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Health Impact Project

Posted on 11/06/14

Resources | Measurement

The Health Impact Project is a national initiative designed to promote the use of health impact assessments (HIAs) as a decision-making tool for policymakers.

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Improving Health by Investing in Communities

Posted on 11/06/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

A primer on the connections between community development and health.

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RWJF Commission City Maps

Posted on 11/03/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

These maps illustrate how a short distance between two city neighborhoods can mean large disparities in life expectancy.

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Community Development Interview Series: S. Leonard Syme

Posted on 10/29/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

Len Syme, considered by many to be one of the forefathers of social epidemiology, discusses how community developers may be the most important health interventionists of our time.

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Healthy Communities at Twenty-Five

Posted on 10/16/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

This Winter 2013 special issue of the National Civic Review celebrates twenty-five years of Healthy Cities and Communities by looking at where this widespread movement started, what it has accomplished and its unfinished agenda.

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Housing and Health: New Opportunities for Dialogue and Action

Posted on 10/15/14

Resources | Policy

We need a more coordinated and integrated approach among housing, environmental health, and public health agencies.

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Place Matters

Posted on 10/10/14

Resources | What Makes a Healthy Community

Place Matters is a national initiative designed to build the capacity of leaders and communities around the country to identify and address social, economic, and environmental factors that shape health inequities.

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Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes

Posted on 10/10/14

Resources | Policy

This resource library provides an overview of opportunities to finance healthy homes through the healthcare system.

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