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“Which” and “How”: Tools for Population Health Integrators

…governance, oversight, and administrative functions that enable population health networks to carry out tasks and strategies related to the network’s shared population health goals. For networks to move the needle on population health outcomes and foster healthy, thriving communities, these tools will help networks prioritize which integrative activities to focus on and how to put those activities in action….

Podcast – Voices on Value with Build Healthy Places Network’s Dr. Douglas Jutte

…Build Healthy Places Network’s Executive Director, Dr. Douglas Jutte , was interviewed by Julia Resnic k , Director of Strategic Initiatives at the American Hospital Association . BHPN is all about bridge-building…finding ways to tie together and thus magnify the positive impact that community developers and health professionals can have by working together more closely. In this “Voices on…

U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling leads to inequitable access to healthcare

…“Making abortion illegal doesn’t end abortion, it simply makes it less safe, and barriers to abortion will impact systemically excluded communities first and worst.” – Mary A. Pittman, CEO of the Public Health Institute   Build Healthy Places Network stands with those impacted by last week’s decision from the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade. In…

Connecting the Dots: A Healthy Community Leader’s Guide to Understanding the Nonprofit Hospital Community Benefit Requirements

…Imagine a healthy community as a connect-the-dots landscape painting. Each “dot” has its place and purpose: affordable housing, a vibrant economy, safe streets and public transportation, a high quality public education system, easy access to fresh food and safe recreation, and a healthcare system that provides both preventative and responsive services. When connected as designed by “artists” – community…

Rob Grossinger on How to Get the Housing and Health Care Sectors to Collaborate

…Rob Grossinger is a vice president at Enterprise Community Partners, Inc., where he works on community stabilization and the intersection of health care and housing. He spoke with Build Healthy Places Network’s Barbara Ray in Chicago. Barbara Ray: Why is an affordable housing developer interested in public health? Rob Grossinger: Let’s start with the overarching holy grail: Affordable housing…

The Principles of Trustworthiness

…The 10 Principles of Trustworthiness, created by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), integrates local perspectives with established precepts of community engagement to guide health care, public health, and other sectors such as community development as they work to demonstrate they are worthy of trust. The AAMC Center for Health Justice will continue this work to support…

What is Financial Health? And Why Public Health and Community Development Professionals Should Pay Attention

…Financial services are an important form of community development. And as the President and CEO of the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI), Jennifer Tescher is working to improve the financial health of all Americans with a specific focus on the underserved. The Build Healthy Places Network’s Barbara Ray sat down with Tescher in Chicago to talk more about…

The Health Action Plan: A Public Health Process for Affordable Housing

…that by integrating evidence-based public health practices into the affordable housing development process. The Health Action Plan is a seven-step process where affordable housing developers: 1) commit to integrating health into the development process, 2) partner with a public health professional, 3) analyze health data on their community, 4) engage community members and residents to prioritize their health needs, fill in gaps,…

Building to Heal: A Framework for Holistic Community Development

…This report by Enterprise Community Partners, Building to Heal: A Framework for Holistic Community Development, guides practitioners through principles, strategies, and tools for achieving a healing-centered approach to community development, which aims to make communities places of pride, power, and belonging. Community development practitioners and stakeholders will be prompted to think about what strengths and skills they already…

Keeping Everyone at the Table, Six Feet Apart

…equity-focused strategies for community investment; its second phase, Field Building, provided ten of those cities with ongoing targeted support for their work. The pandemic’s disproportionate impacts on the health of Black, brown, and low-income communities brought into stark focus the inequities the city teams were already fighting. However, despite the challenges of COVID-19, leaders in Akron, OH, Missoula, MT, and…

Interconnected: Public Health and Community Development Fit Together like Pieces of a Puzzle

…The current COVID-19 pandemic, like many crises before it, has disproportionally affected communities of color, hitting Black and Latinx communities the hardest. COVID-19 has re-exposed the ingrained racism restricting access to quality healthcare, education, secure employment, and stable housing. Safe, affordable housing and strong neighborhoods, in particular, can have both current and long-lasting future impacts on an individual’s health….

Community Innovations Survey of Community Development Corporations

…During this survey process, we heard from 119 CDCs across 30 states, spanning geography and urban and rural communities. We learned that while many CDCs who answered the survey are already engaging with healthcare, many need additional capacity (knowledge, staff, and resources) to sustain healthcare engagement efforts. We also found that many are still at the beginning of their…

What It Looks Like to Build a Culture of Health During COVID-19

…RWJF Culture of Health Prize winners work continuously to evolve the culture of their community to one that realizes health, opportunity, and equity for all. We have heard from many of the 40+ Prize-winning communities in recent months about how they are responding to COVID-19. It is apparent they have much in common in how they consistently look to…

Healthy and Equitable Community Investment

…The Healthy and Equitable Community Investment report, authored by the Healthy and Equitable Community Investment work group, led by the Conservation Law Foundation, includes recommendations for how the growing ecosystem of tools, approaches, and data sources should support community investment’s impact on health and equity in communities. Through the work group’s collaboration and convening of leaders in the…

Healthy Neighborhood Investments: What We’ve Learned to Date

…Healthy Neighborhood Investments, a Build Healthy Places Network initiative funded by Blue Shield of California Foundation, promotes community development and healthcare partnerships as the go-to sustainable model in California for addressing the social determinants of health (SDOH) in low income communities and communities of color. More than $1 trillion is spent on medical care each year in the U.S….

Hospitals Take Note—An important source of funding to address the social determinants of health may be disappearing

…An obscure banking rule has quietly funneled millions of dollars into low-income communities, helping to reduce the deep health inequities between low-income and wealthier families in America. But that rule—the Community Reinvestment Act—is now under threat. In January, the three regulatory agencies overseeing the CRA proposed significant changes. For health systems seeking to address the upstream impacts on health,…

Nonprofit Readiness for Health Partnership

…The Nonprofit Readiness for Health Partnership tool from the Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) helps community-based organizations that are considering partnering with healthcare organizations identify capacity or investment needs so that they can be well positioned to explore partnership opportunities. This free, downloadable resource was developed as part of NFF’s Healthy Outcomes Initiative, supported by The Kresge Foundation. For more insights from the Healthy Outcomes Initiative, read about a Sonoma…

Video: Opportunity Finance Network on CDFI’s

…  This crash course video from the Opportunity Finance Network explores what community development financial institutions are doing around the country. Watch the video for success stories from South Dakota, California, New York and others….

Green Spaces Can Encourage Social Connectedness in Cities

…When it comes to the range of social benefits that we can receive from urban green spaces—common areas where people can recreate, volunteer, and connect with others in their city—our understanding continues to unfold. While social isolation can be considered a growing epidemic in the United States, social disconnection may be a root cause of depression and diminished quality…